Caffeine is known to stimulate the bodys nervous system causing an instant jolt that later on staves off and leaves a person craving for another fix. For busy workers who have to log in excessively long hours or assume projects that entail erratic schedules, the energy boost coffee provides is an indispensable benefit. But once blood sugar levels start falling leaving one more tired and restless, it becomes evident that coffees temporary enhancing power doesnt provide the body with the energy it actually needs.If this doesn't seem to be a cause for concern, think again.
Caffeine can affect the central brain causing fluctuating appetite, anxiety, and confusion. Before one notices, cold sweats, muscular tremors, and increased heartbeats are breaking out. While its sensible to bring back centeredness with the aid of an invigorating and accessible beverage, compromising ones well-being isnt an option.
Ganoderma Lucidum mushroom, traditionally used in Japan and China as a medicinal herb that combats chronic and degenerative diseases, has been combined with peoples favorite coffee beans to produce Ganoderma or Gano coffee.
It presents a healthy alternative to drinkers, streamlining coffee to what its supposed to berich, aromatic, and less superficially energy giving. Each regular java cup contains about 150-200 mg of caffeine while Gano coffee only contains 9 mg. Its stress-relieving quality enables one to concentrate longer, sleep sounder, and operate calmer. This is in part caused by increased oxygenation in the brain and prevention of neurotransmitter reduction which is associated to ingesting stimulants.
In addition, stimulants, if taken on a regular basis, cause a depletion of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the long haul. Low serotonin levels lead to decreased immunity, an irony considering the everyday boost one tries to derive from drinking coffee. Ganoderma addresses this by strengthening the bodys immune system and allowing it to fight various pathogens.
Another point to consider is caffeines low pH balance.
A pH value of less than the neutral 7 indicates acidity. While the body strives to maintain a balanced pH, caffeine with approximately 5.5 pH counters this effort by making it difficult for the body to incorporate nutrients. Ganoderma, meanwhile, contains a neutral pH of 7.3 to 7.5, enabling the body to efficiently regenerate cells and detoxify.
Despite these advantages, it is still best to integrate varied nutrients into ones diet. Ganoderma may cause dry throat and nose, offset anticoagulants and chemotherapeutic agents, and bring nausea. Its benefits, on the other hand, far outweigh the possible disadvantages.
For best results, settle for a larger span of nutritious foods instead of depending on one super vitamin.
With regard to packaging, Ganoderma coffee is as versatile as the old standard coming in mocha, chocolate, or ginseng varieties, instant, 3-in-1, or brewed forms. Old habits are hard to undo but these options may take ones mind off the idea that Gano coffee is something less than coffee. Most people think of relatively new concepts as mere alternatives but Gano coffee steps outside this label. It provides a healthy choice without reducing the familiarly savory quality of coffee drinkers are accustomed to and attempts to offer profits far more than what one expects from the usual cup.